Use in the Soviet Union itself was halted by the AK-47-derived RPK, known to Battlefield 2 players. Soviet LMG currently still in use in Asia and Africa.

Go for headshots with this one when you can, and be careful to fire in burst to conserve ammo unless you expect many enemies to come rushing through the same point. Easily the most accurate LMG under sustained fire, this is the LMG you'd most likely consider for close encounters. If you accidentally reload too early, switch to your other weapon to cancel the reload, or press the sprint button. Be careful not to reflexively reload these weapons! Even with Sleight of Hand, it still takes longer to reload these guns than most other weapons in the game. They excel at shelling out lots of damage per bullet and lots of bullets per clip at longer ranges than the SMGs.

If you like guarding objectives or sitting in one place and spamming bullets for a long time, these guns are good to consider.