
Windows 10 spell check not working
Windows 10 spell check not working

In most cases, the problem gets resolved with the three methods mentioned above. This will let you know whether you were successful able to resolve Microsoft word spell check not working Error. Once done, you can test the document by pressing the F7 key. Finally click on OK for the changes to apply.Check mark the option that says Do not check spelling or grammar.Here, choose the preferred language and make sure you have selected the correct region associated with it.As soon as you click on it, a new dialog box will appear. Post this, select the option named Set Proofing Language.

windows 10 spell check not working

  • Once the document is selected, choose the Review button and then select Language.
  • windows 10 spell check not working

  • Select the entire document by pressing Ctrl + A together.
  • Launch MS Word and then then a document you want to check for word auto correct not working.
  • Under this you can disable the spelling check feature as well and change the region according to your requirement. This method of resolving the word auto correct not working error involves keeping a check on the Language Settings.

    Windows 10 spell check not working